Interviewing Tips for College Students

Sometimes interviews do not go as you expect them to go.

As someone that has been in multiple interview during my college career, whether it is for a job or to be on an executive position in an organization, I know that your first interview can be hard.

There are different types of interviews. Phone, group, and individual interviews are just a few.

This post will be about ways to improve you interviewing skills during an individual interview. This interview can include multiple interviewers and yourself. Or just one interviewer and yourself.


Make sure to research and look into the organization or company that you are applying for. You want to know as much about them as you can.

If you know the name of the person interviewing you, look them up online and see what information you can find about them. Look for things that you have in common and could speak about during the interview.


Come up with scenarios and questions that may be asked. You want to be prepared for what you will be asked, but you also want to know how you will respond.

Update your resume and make copies of it. Take these copies with you to the interview and give them to each person that is interviewing you.

A few days before your interview, go and see where your interview will be taking place. Look for possible places to park.

Dress the part...

It is better to overdress for an interview. Make sure that not only your clothes look clean, but also your appearance. You want to dress to impress, because this is the first impression your interviewer will have of you.

Don't be late...

Make sure to get to your interview at least 15 minutes before your interview begins.

If you know you are running late. Call your interview place and inform them that you are running late. Once you get to the interview, apologize again for being late.

Follow up...

Make sure to thank your interviewer. You can write a thank you letter and email them for giving you an interview. In this letter include anything that you had in common with your interviewer and how it was nice to meet them.

One last thing...

I would always get nervous right before an interview. I found that listening to music helps calm any uneasiness you might be feeling. I make sure to listen to music that I know will make me happy and confident. The most important tip is to be yourself. Do not try being someone you are not.

Best wishes,



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