
On Saturday, April 8th I was able to be part of BronchoThon at UCO. BronchoThon is a new organization on our campus which raises money for the Children's Hospital Foundation.

The student leaders that helped plan the actual day of BronchoThon had different events throughout the year in order to help raise more funds. Students across our university were able to join different groups to be part of BronchoThon.

The group that I was part of, Diversity Round Table, hosted a Barbecue fundraiser in which we were able to raise about $140!

When we first got to the actually BronchoThon event we didn't know what all we would be doing. Other students told us we would basically be dancing the whole night.

We got to learn different dances, play icebreakers, and eats lots of food.

My favorite thing about BronchoThon would have to be listening to the different Miracle families stories. These Miracle families, families that had children in the Childrens Miracle Network Hospital,  opened up to the UCO community and explained to us that the all the funds we raised would be helping families like their own.

BronchoThon was able to raise $68,405.37 in its first year!


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